During éach download the car owner card data will end up being stored on your pc automatically and locally.At any later period you will be capable to evaluate and read through out the information again. According to legislation (EC) Simply no 1360/2002 the archiving will become produced with a electronic signature bank and fulfills all legal specifications for archiving the information of the motorist credit card.UpdatesNo LimitThe violation evaluation will display you an summary of all established infringements and you discover the control values and identified values simply.

The violation analysis brings up every solitary violation and the function shift statement displays all powered shifts. Instantly after the quick download of the driver card information you will possess an summary of staying driving and work moments. #Globofleet cc plus 3.8.4 serial driver.The GloboFleet Card Control Software program is certainly the answer for achieving the lawful specifications when you store and analyse driver card data. In inclusion to the archiving contouring to current laws, the user has entry to the data kept on the car owner card and bulk storage space. You are usually able to analyse the data intensively and the software program has no limitations of the motorist cards or bulk storage information you study away. With the GloboFleet Card Control As well as Software the motorist, enterpriser or dispatcher will be capable to archive and evaluate the motorist cards or bulk storage data on the personal computer autonomously.